Games & Videos

About Us

On October 1, 2008 Mitch and Tammi Vik made the big decision to purchase K-max, a long established local business!  It was such a pleasure to be a customer so why not be the owner?  Things have really changed since 2008...The evolution from a humble video store to what it is today in 2025 is remarkable.  None of our achievements would have been possible without the ongoing support of our loyal customers in the North Cariboo, as well, our employees past and present, all made significant contributions, enabling us to remodel the store (a couple times!) and add all our new product lines.

We hope you enjoy your visit to K-max and can find that special item to bring a little joy to someone in your life.


Mitch & Tammi


K-Max Games & Videos Designed & Developed By Erica Lahoda Web Girl
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